PRFSA is a user-friendly computer program for predicting the in-plane behaviour of plane rigid frames. The input data for the program includes the geometry of the frame, the section and material properties of the frame elements, and the loading. A number of different types of analyses are available in the program.

When a 1st or 2nd order elastic analysis is performed, the program calculates the deformations and stress resultants of the frame. The axial force stress resultant can be used to perform an in-plane buckling analysis of the frame, which calculates the buckling load factor and the corresponding buckled shape. The 1st order elastic-plastic analysis can calculate the progressive formation of plastic hinges in the frame and the corresponding load factor, deformations and stress resultants.

The natural vibration analysis calculates the natural frequencies of the frame and the corresponding vibration modes. The steady state analysis calculates the forced vibration response of the frame when the applied loads vary harmonically at a given forcing frequency. The transient analysis calculates the deformations and stress resultants of the frame due to ground excitation and force excitation. The spectral analysis calculates the equivalent static forces of the frame due to ground motion caused by spectral acceleration.

The truss analysis can calculate the deformations and axial force stress resultant of the frame by assuming the frame acts as a pin-jointed truss.



Setup file

Copy protection and purchasing

The program PRFSA is copy-protected to prevent unauthorised copying of the program.

The setup file installs the demonstration copy of PRFSA. The demonstration copy allows PRFSA to be executed three times only. The user can inspect the data input and the results output of the program but cannot perform an analysis. Examples are provided in the directory Working, which is a subdirectory of the PRFSA program file directory.

To convert this into a fully licensed copy, a site key must be obtained. To obtain a site key, the user must supply the site code for their computer. The site code is obtained by pressing ENTER when the PRFSA splash screen appears after starting the program. When the site key is typed in and Validate is pressed, the demonstration copy of PRFSA becomes a fully licensed copy.


Single-user licence – $1,000 + GST

Multi-user licence (5 copies) – $2,000 + GST